The Gray Witch

This is my version  for it is who I am
She walks the balance of light and dark,
She knows Her magick, uses it wisely
The Gray Witch also embraces the old and some of the new ways
Yet not bound by laws of tradition made by man
She seeks no harm to any
Yet will do what is need to protect Her and those she loves
When all has been done then Her magick she will work
Harm None she respects, but it is not an absolute
Her path truly is eclectic for She knows
there is truth in all ways if we are open
we then will see and know our truth.

According to the dictionary a Gray Witch is neutral
She does not harm but does not bless or benefit any one.

I sort of differ in this as I do bless my sisters and those who may request

I also believe very well if I am justified and my own plate is clean
I may use my magick in justice if me or family  is threatend

I do not play yet do not, nor will I hex or curse any just becasuse you cussed at me on the high way
That is not what magick is for and there are consequences for misusing magick
Misusing energy can be harmful
Example , put your hand through an electric socket
make sure switch turned on
I can tell you , you will wish you did not/
Magick like energy  which is energy is neutral
Not bad or good
It is how we channel and use it

I really like what Lady Amythest Raine said in Her blog
What’s a Witch to Do?

Protection Magic: Flexing Your Magical Muscle
To bind or not to bind, to hex or not to hex-- What’s a witch to do when she’s confronted by a bully? Because a magical practitioner has more of an arsenal in her handbag with which to defend herself than the average person, you would think that her options would be varied and her reasons for using them valid. However, in the modern day world of the witch, there are several people and groups who propose the somewhat Christian option of ‘turning the other cheek’. We also have pagan purists who scream ‘Karma’ and gather their magical skirts about them in a panic.

The result of this is that it leaves many of the witches in the world, afraid to rile the purists or negatively influenced by the neo-flower children, completely unprotected and open to the dark energies of an enemy, the destructive forces of a foe, or victims of the rampant overwhelming energies generated by a group. It leaves the witch, plain and simple, between a rock and a hard place.

What’s a witch to do?

Is it permissible for the witch to use witchcraft to protect herself?

You bet your sweet cauldron it is, and we’re going to look at a variety of possibilities that will both protect the occult practitioner and do so in an honorable and ethical manner."

 Being a Gray Witch
is very natural to me
as the Moon
Her color is is silvery white
Her light is from the sun
she is both Dark and light
she has Her phases
it is not one or the other

For me I embrace both dark and light
As you can not have day wihtout the night

Being a Gray Witch is natural to me
Magick is not good nor evil
Magick is  working with energy
Energy just is
Magick just is
Being a Gray Witch
I just am

Blessed be Lady Shadow